Dr. Silvia Rotemberg
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Fat Reduction & Popsicles: The History of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting has gained tremendous popularity over the recent years, receiving national attention for its really “cool” method of removing troublesome fat – and for good reason!

The science of cryolipolysis, the basis of CoolSculpting, was discovered after children who ate a lot of popsicles formed dimples in their cheeks. This was ultimately the reduction of fat. This happened because fat is more sensitive to temperature than skin, therefore directly affecting the fat and the skin formed to the new contour. Now, we utilize this discovered method as an effective way to remove fat from various regions of the body, such as the flanks, abdomen, arms, thighs, and buttocks, after diet and exercise have been insufficient at removing stubborn fat deposits. We all know how exciting it is to see results on our bodies through natural weight loss methods, but sometimes no matter how much time we put in, we still don’t see the results we want.

Before we go into detail about the numerous benefits that CoolSculpting provides, let’s first get one thing straight… What is CoolSculpting?

Everything You Want To Know About CoolSculpting

About CoolSculpting

Take The “Suck” Out Of Liposuction

Why go through the lengthy process of a surgical procedure like liposuction? Not only does this procedure require anesthesia, but there is also significant recovery and downtime involved. Of course, liposuction is very beneficial for large amounts of fat that need to be removed but for small amounts of fat, it’s just not necessary anymore. CoolSculpting received its well-deserved nickname, “the lunchtime lipo”. You can receive treatment in as little as 30 minutes, which makes it an easy appointment to fit into your busy schedule!

Plus, CoolSculpting cuts the cost of traditional surgical fat reduction significantly. This is because there is no surgery fee, no anesthesia cost, no operating room fee, etc., you just pay for the CoolSculpting session per area.

What Does The CoolSculpting Treatment Feel Like?

CoolSculpting is known for being comfortable and often times you will not even feel any discomfort at all! CoolSculpting, as stated in the name, uses cold temperatures to freeze and destroy fat cells in various areas of the body. The applicator that is placed on the skin uses a suction technique, like that of a vacuum, to pull the tissue closer to effectively target the fat. The cool temperature will numb the treatment area which will help reduce any possible discomfort. The treatment is said to be relaxing, so much so that our patients bring a book to read, a laptop to watch Netflix on, or simply just lie back and nap while the machine works its magic.

Will It Help Me Lose Weight?

CoolSculpting is not for shedding pounds. This is because muscle weighs more than fat, so it won’t make that huge of a difference to the number on the scale. CoolSculpting can remove up to 25 percent of fat within a treatment area, which is why results are not necessarily seen on the scale. What will be a visible difference though is seeing the reduction of fat that hangs over the sides of your jeans. Patients that undergo this procedure are not necessarily looking to drop weight, but more so, they are looking for improved contour at their current healthy weight.

Who Is It For?

CoolSculpting is for those who are close to their ideal weight and are looking for minor to moderate body contouring improvement; it is not an alternative for exercising or eating healthily. This treatment does not provide the same dramatic transformational results that surgical procedures do. However, results are very visible. Regardless if you are a busy stay at home mom or a businesswoman with a hectic schedule, CoolSculpting can reduce fat throughout the body with a quick 35-minute treatment. When patients come in to see Dr. Silvia Rotemberg for CoolSculpting treatments, she takes into consideration a variety of factors like the quality of the skin and how likely it will be able to bounce back and reshape to the new contour. She also considers how the skin will look once the volume has been removed. These play a huge role in making sure that you receive the best results possible.

When Will I See Results?

Although it does take a few CoolSculpting treatments to receive optimal results, we think it’s well worth the wait! Who wouldn’t want to skip the hassle and pain of surgery and combat fat through quick and painless treatments? You may not be able to see a significant difference with a single treatment (some patients do) but Dr. Silvia Rotemberg assures her patients that results are more and more visible through every treatment. It takes about a month for you to begin to see slimming of the treatment area after each treatment because the destroyed cells have to go through your body’s natural eliminating process.

Are The Results Permanent?

Dr. Silvia Rotemberg likes to reassure her patients that the results of CoolSculpting are long-lasting, if and only if their weight is controlled. Poor diet and unhealthy lifestyles that lead to weight gain will negatively impact the results. Yes, the fat cells are expelled from the body, but that does not mean that gaining weight after treatment is prevented. This part partially will fall on the patient’s responsibility. Let’s say that you receive 3 treatments but your poor diet and lack of exercise remains the same – it is likely that the results will not be as good as they could be. You can think of this treatment as not only the beginning of a new body but also a new lifestyle too! The results of this treatment are long-lasting and can easily be maintained if you keep a healthy diet and workout regularly.

Is It Safe?

Because CoolSculpting is a noninvasive fat reduction treatment, the risks are very low in comparison to that of a surgical procedure. And since this treatment utilizes an automated machine, it removes the risk of human error. Rarely, patients have reported that the treated area remained numb for several weeks after the treatment. This causes no real harm to the body; merely an add sensation. Any further risks can be discussed during the consultation with Dr. Silvia Rotemberg when you arrive at our Miami office for your CoolSculpting consultation.

When Should You Begin Treatment?

Before you know it, summer will be around the corner again. Time flies, doesn’t it? This is why it’s not a bad time to start considering CoolSculpting treatments! But don’t worry, you can still enjoy the colder months and all the comfort this time of the year brings. Dr. Silvia Rotemberg suggests that her patients begin to receive their CoolSculpting treatments three months ahead of their future occasion, and six months at the most. This will give enough time for the fat cells to die and for the body to naturally eliminate them from the body. The fat cells do not begin to diminish until about four weeks after the treatment and the full results can be seen in about 12 weeks. After this time, you will see the skin begin to form to the body’s new contour and you will be ready to take on the warmer months with full confidence.

Why Choose Dr. Silvia Rotemberg?

Dr. Silvia Rotemberg is a leading plastic surgeon operating in Miami, Florida. Her CoolSculpting technique incorporates her vast knowledge of the body and fat anatomy, combined with the latest technological advancements to provide you with truly sensational results. She helps her patients achieve their cosmetic goals and instill confidence. Here at Rotemberg Plastic Surgery, we are pleased to offer the noninvasive fat reduction treatment CoolSculpting. Please contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Silvia Rotemberg and find out more about how this treatment can benefit you.