Conveniently located to serve the areas of Miami and South Florida

arm liposuction procedureStubborn areas of fat on our body are frustratingly common. These areas seem to be resistant to exercise and diet! No need to worry, liposuction is a popular treatment that can help slim down these areas!

The under area of the upper arm tends to be one such area that gathers fat. It can be challenging to tone this area and keep it slender. Arm liposuction is a common treatment that will help you improve the proportion of our body and achieve smooth, slim arms.

Liposuction arms with stubborn fat and get the results you’ve always wanted.

About Arm Liposuction

Liposuction surgery is on the rise as an effective fat removing treatment.

Arm liposuction is a simple way to contour your arms and achieve a slender, more fit appearance. At Rotemberg Plastic Surgery, we use the traditional method of liposuction to reduce fat stores. This method has been around for decades and remains the base method for reducing fat today.

Lipo surgery is a fat removal method that implements a suction device and a cannula. This device is inserted under the skin and gently moved back and forth to remove stubborn fat cells. Fat deposits will be removed strategically to contour and sculpt the arms. When your ideal appearance is achieved, the incisions will be closed and bandaged.

There are many areas that liposuction can treat, such as under the chin, thighs, abdomen, love handles, and the back. This treatment will successfully reduce fat stores and help you reach your body goal. Liposuction of arms before and after surgery is significant.

Our patients can enjoy slimmer arms that benefit their overall body proportions.

Incision Options

Arm liposuction often requires an incision pattern along the inside of the arm from the armpit to the elbow. The length or number of incisions will vary based on the amount of fat you want to remove. Dr. Silvia Rotemberg will work with you to determine what incisions will be necessary. These incisions will leave small scars, but they will fade with time.

Upper arms liposuction is an ideal way to slim down pesky fat and helps you appear young and healthy!


There are many advantages to liposuction.

This treatment is minimally invasive and does not require extensive downtime. After just one surgery, you can walk away with slender arms!

By the time you hit adulthood, everyone has a certain number of fat cells. These cells will fluctuate in size throughout your life but will not change in quantity. Liposuction achieves results that working out cannot. It removes fat cells and lowers your overall fat cell numbers. The results you achieve with liposuction are long-lasting and impactful!


Arm liposuction is an excellent solution for healthy men and women who are within their ideal weight range. If you have a pre-existing health condition that will hinder your healing ability, lipo surgery is not for you. Our team of experts will work with you to create an alternative solution that works for you.

Our best advice for anyone interested in arm liposuction is to schedule a consultation with us. Together we will find out the best way to slim down your arms!

Consult with Miami’s Top Ranked Liposuction Expert

arm liposuction consultationIn your private consultation, you will have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Silvia Rotemberg, an experienced cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgeon. She takes her time getting to know patients and learning how to deliver their best results.

In this meeting, Dr. Silvia Rotemberg will ask about your general health, allergies, and past procedures. You will have the opportunity to share what your body goals are and what your expectations are of arm lipo surgery.

She will walk you through the procedure, incisions, and anesthesia options. General anesthesia is administered for an arm lipo surgery, and you and Dr. Silvia Rotemberg will discuss the pros and cons of each of this option. After your treatment plan has been developed and personalized to you, a date is planned.


Before your surgery, you will need to arrange rides to and from your appointment. Pick up prescribed medications and set aside an area of your home where you can rest without being disturbed. It’s always nice to have a friend or family member assisting you for the first twenty-four hours of recovery. The morning of your surgery dress in comfy clothes and arrive a few minutes early.

Arm Liposuction Procedure

Arms liposuction is performed under predetermined anesthesia. Your arms will be cleaned and prepped for surgery, and the anesthesia applied. Dr. Silvia Rotemberg will use small incisions strategically along the underarm. A small cannula topped with an aspirator will be inserted under the skin through the incision. With gentle movement, Dr. Silvia Rotemberg dislodges fat cells and suction them from the arm. Your arms will be expertly sculpted, and once they are complete, the incisions will be closed and bandaged. This surgery will take a couple of hours.


The first step to a healthy recovery is lots of rest and hydration. Brief walks will improve your circulation and help bring down inflammation. Immediately after the surgery, you will notice an improvement in the appearance of your arms. They will be swollen and sore. A compression garment on each of your arms will help reduce swelling and allow your arms to adjust to their new shape. Pain medication will alleviate any discomfort and help you rest easy. Most patients can return to a sedentary job after about a week. Physically demanding work and strenuous activities can be resumed after a few weeks.

A follow-up appointment with Dr. Silvia Rotemberg will allow her to examine your arms and make sure they are recovering well.


Arm liposuction will produce long-lasting results! The best way to maintain your outcome is to work out and continue to eat healthily. Your final results will set in a few months after surgery. Many patients experience a boost in confidence and enjoy fitting into shirts better.

Complementary Procedures

One of the significant aspects of liposuction is that it can be performed almost anywhere on the body. You can pair your arm liposuction with another treatment area. For overall improvement in your body, ask Dr. Silvia Rotemberg about your options in your consultation.

Liposuction Arm Cost

The cost of your arm liposuction is determined in your private consultation. To learn more or schedule your private meeting, give us a call today at (305) 539-7083.


How long does it take to recover from arm liposuction?

A few weeks. Most patients can return to a sedentary job after about a week. If your job is physically demanding, you may need to take more time to heal. Physical activity may strain incisions and impact your final results. At Rotemberg Plastic Surgery, we want to ensure a healthy recovery and long-lasting results. Since all patients are different, everyone has a different timeline for their healing period.

Can you get arm liposuction?

Yes! Liposuction of the upper arms is a simple solution to your concerns. Many people struggle with stubborn fat in their upper arms. This location is challenging to target during workouts and seems resistant to change. Arm liposuction is simple and will give you the results you want after one surgery.

How much does it cost to get liposuction on your arms?

The cost of each liposuction treatment will differ based on your goals. Factors that contribute to the overall price are the amount of fat needing to be removed and whether you combine this treatment with another procedure. One of the popular aspects of liposuction is that it can treat multiple areas in one surgery. Combine your arm lipo treatment with another treatment area, like under your chin, to truly transform your whole appearance.

Does arm liposuction leave scars?

Yes, but they will fade over time.

How dangerous is liposuction?

Liposuction, when performed by a certified, experienced surgeon is not considered dangerous. Every surgery comes with risks, but liposuction is less invasive than many other surgeries today. Liposuction only addresses fat under the skin and will not go deep into the body. Before your surgery date, you will need to go into the office to meet with Dr. Silvia Rotemberg. She will assess your health and arms to determine if this is a safe, healthy solution. If liposuction is deemed as a good option for slimming down your arms, it will be up to you to pursue the procedure.

How much does SmartLipo cost for arms?

SmartLipo costs will vary based on how much fat is removed and whether another area of the body is treated as well. At Rotemberg Plastic Surgery, we focus on the traditional method of liposuction because it has been tried and tested for decades to show impactful, long-lasting results. Liposuction on arms is an excellent solution to slimming down your arms. To learn more about the costs involved in an arm liposuction procedure, reach out to our office today.
