Conveniently located to serve the areas of Miami and South Florida

Here at Rotemberg Plastic Surgery, we are dedicated to improving the overall look and feel of your skin. We find that chemical peels offer fantastic results for our Florida patients because this form of skin treatment is beneficial for a wide variety of concerns.

Chemical Peels are a safe and subtle way to rejuvenate and revitalize the face, neck, decolletage, and more! Come in and meet with Dr. Silvia Rotemberg to find out what a chemical peel can do for you.

What is a Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel is a special solution that is applied to the skin for exfoliation and rejuvenation purposes. The solution normally contains either alpha-hydroxy, glycolic, or lactic acids. After a chemical peel treatment, the skin will begin to peel off, exposing the trapped, underlying healthy skin cells.

As people age, the skin has a harder time ridding the body of the unhealthy layers which can make the skin dull and you look older. With this non-invasive treatment, skin tone and texture are improved, leaving you not just with healthier looking skin, but actually healthy skin.

Good Candidates

An ideal candidate for this treatment would be someone who has:

  • Sun damage
  • Skin discoloration caused by age spots, dark spots, or sunspots
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Uneven skin due to scarring

Men and women looking into receiving a chemical peel treatment should be in good health, have no skin allergies, and preferably non-smoking. It is important for someone considering this treatment to have realistic expectations. The treatment is not recommended for those who are pregnant or nursing, have taken Accutane within the last 6 months, currently have a specific skin condition such as rosacea, or if the patient has large scars and/or extremely lax skin because these will not be sufficiently treated with a chemical peel alone. If any of these are the case, it is best to speak with the doctor about candidacy and if this is a safe option for the patient’s current condition.

Conditions Chemical Peels Treat

Chemical peels are beneficial for many different skin concerns and can offer visible improvement to the quality and texture of the skin. Different types of peels offer their own benefits, but in general, the treatment is good for:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles that come from age or sun exposure. Chemical peels can help to soften the look of these wrinkles and fine lines to give the patient a more youthful and energized look.
  • Mild scarring, such as acne scars, can be lessened through chemical peel treatments by removing the damaged layers of skin created by the acne that led to the scarring.
  • Certain types of acne can be treated by exfoliating skin and removing dead skin cells. Patients who have acne and received chemical peel treatment have seen fantastic results without the hassle of medications or creams.
  • Age spots, sun damage, and dark spots are diminished through the use of chemical peels. The solution that is applied to the area of concern has a mild bleaching effect that can help provide an overall even skin tone.
  • Overall look and feel of the skin is improved by removing the top layers of skin in order to help repair visibly damaged skin. This treatment is used to provide a more rejuvenated look in a less invasive manner.

Peels are normally performed on the face but can be used to treat skin conditions on the neck, chest, and occasionally the back for acne depending on the doctor’s recommendations. Dr. Silvia Rotemberg has helped many of her patients meet their goals of clearer, more radiant skin through her years of experience performing this treatment.

Peels We Offer

Dr. Silvia Rotemberg has two types of chemical peels that she favors for her patients, Jessner and PCA Skin. Both of these brands offer a medium strength peel that is beneficial for blemishes, wrinkles, and mild scarring. Depending on the current state of the patient’s skin, the doctor will take a thorough evaluation to see which will be the best fit.

The Jessner chemical peel is a professional-grade certified treatment which is good for treating cystic and severe acne.

The Jessner chemical peel, a medium strength peel, will reach deeper skin cells, providing improvement for the face, back, chest acne, acne scars, and also helps clear whiteheads and blackheads. This treatment, when applied, will provide a good amount of skin peeling which removes the unhealthy layers and makes way for fresh new skin.

The PCA chemical peel is designed for all skin types and helps treat acne, discoloration, pigmentation, and general signs of aging. This specific chemical peel treats these common concerns with a formula that has been created and perfected in order to increase the cell’s turnover rate, essentially allowing the skin to correct itself through the benefits of the peel.

Chemical Peels vs. Laser Resurfacing

Although chemical peels and laser resurfacing have some similarities in their purpose, their differences are worth noting because there are significantly more side effects with laser resurfacing and fewer results than peels. Firstly, chemical peels treat more skin concerns than laser treatments do. Peels not only focus on removing skin but also exfoliating with a solution that treats issues due to sun exposure, wrinkles, freckles, and pigmentation issues.

Peels are more beneficial than lasers because lasers tend to only resurface or address skin tone irregularities. Why not combat bad acne, wrinkles, and dark spots while removing the top layers of unhealthy skin? An added bonus of peels!

Laser resurfacing has a very different price in comparison to peels, costing anywhere between $1000 – $2000, sometimes more. Chemical peels are a bargain in comparison with prices almost half of that. Lastly, laser treatments have more possible side effects than chemical peels. Laser resurfacing can cause redness, swelling, itching, scarring, or discolored pigmentation. Peels have fewer to no effects, making it the safer options of the two.

Skin is a crucial organ of the body, and sometimes a very picky and hard one to maintain healthy and glowing. So when looking to treat skin conditions or a general pick-me-up, it is advised to review all options with a certified doctor and choose a treatment that is suited to the person’s particular type of skin and concerns.

Chemical Peels vs. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is a treatment that uses either an abrasive wand or vacuum device to suction and removes the unhealthy layers of skin. This treatment is beneficial for superficial acne and light wrinkles. However, if the patient is looking for a treatment that is more powerful and inclusive, chemical peels would be the better choice. Because peels work to help skin not just on the surface layers, it is the best fit for someone looking for long-term results.

Additionally, microdermabrasion is a longer treatment and patients are required to come back for multiple treatments in order to get results. Chemical peels work to remove layers of skin at once to allow the quick rejuvenation of skin, not to mention the treatments only last 5-10 minutes with no more sessions required. Chemical peels can save time in the long run and overall patient satisfaction with provided results.


Healing normally takes about a week. During this time, patients might experience slight scabbing; this is completely normal. This is the body’s way of ridding itself of the damaged unhealthy skin. During the recovery stage, patients are asked to refrain from direct sun exposure and use protective sunscreen daily to protect the fresh layer of skin once the peeling had subsided. Sunscreen use when outside should be continued indefinitely as a general skin protection rule. Dr. Silvia Rotemberg will provide further instructions as necessary to the patient.

Throughout the recovery period, patients will need to apply creams or medication if provided. Cleaning the skin often is important to avoid infections while the new skin layer is still fresh. Following the doctor’s instructions will help to ensure long-lasting results.


Patients who received a chemical peel treatment by Dr. Silvia Rotemberg have had very satisfying results. Most patients saw improvements in skin tone, skin texture, and overall smoothness and health. The skin should continue to appear smoother even after healing. However, the doctor recommends that patients return in 6 months to get optimal results if the treated conditions are severe.

It is important to note that chemical peels are not permanent; it is a treatment that can help reduce skin concerns, but wrinkles, lines, and sun damage can occur with aging and direct sun exposure.

When looking for a way to rejuvenate your skin, do not look any further! Dr. Silvia Rotemberg can assist patients with many different types of skin concerns with her medical-grade chemical peels. Her expertise and knowledge of this treatment and many others will give patients peace of mind knowing that their skin is being taken care of in the best possible way.