The stomach is one of the most common places to gain weight. Unfortunately, tummy fat can also be some of the toughest to lose! If you are tired of a bulging, flabby stomach, Dr. Silvia Rotemberg can help.
Our patients frequently ask us how they can lose their tummy fat and restore a slim, toned abdominal appearance. Patients who have tried diet and exercise, but have not seen results, are good candidates for a body sculpting procedure at Rotemberg Plastic Surgery. If you are wondering which body sculpting option will be best to address your belly fat, keep reading!
To address a loose, flabby stomach, Dr. Silvia Rotemberg usually performs Liposuction and/or a Tummy Tuck. Which procedure a patient receives will depend on the demands of their specific case.
All body contouring procedure at Rotemberg Plastic Surgery is custom-tailored to the patient. If you are struggling to achieve your ideal abdominal appearance, Dr. Silvia Rotemberg can help.
If you are unsure if Liposuction or Tummy Tuck is right for you, call the helpful staff at Rotemberg Plastic Surgery to schedule your private consultation today.
What is Liposuction?
During Liposuction, the treatment area is first cleansed and marked for surgery. The tumescent fluid will then be introduced into the treatment site. Tumescent fluid is a combination of saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine.
The components of the tumescent fluid make the fat cells swell, making them easier to dislodge and extract. The tumescent fluid will additionally reduce bleeding and improve patient comfort during the procedure.
Liposuction is a valuable way to reduce fat almost anywhere on the body. When performed by a skilled surgeon like Dr. Silvia Rotemberg, Liposuction is more than a fat elimination solution.
Liposuction enables Dr. Silvia Rotemberg to accomplish significant body sculpting outcomes. Your treated area will be slim and attractively contoured.
MicroAire Power-Assisted Liposuction
Dr. Silvia Rotemberg performs Liposuction using the advanced MicroAire Power-Assisted Liposuction System. This cutting-edge system is a high-powered fat removal system, especially well-adapted for small or large-volume fat extraction, precision body sculpting, and fat harvesting for fat transfer.
Dr. Silvia Rotemberg chose the MicroAire system for its unmatched capabilities and the comfortable experience for patients.
The MicroAire system enables maximum control with smooth cannulas that minimize the impact of fat extraction on surrounding tissues and improves operating time. The results are less swelling, bruising, and shorter procedure times. The state-of-the-art power-assistance helps protect septal fibers and surrounding tissues.
Liposuction is the perfect way to lose the last few pounds of fat concealing your body. If you have a flabby abdomen, you may be a good candidate to have your excess stomach fat removed with Liposuction.
What Can Liposuction Treat?
Liposuction will permanently eliminate stubborn fat cells from almost anywhere on the body.
There are two main types of fat on the body: subcutaneous and visceral.
Subcutaneous fat develops beneath our skin as a result of diet, age, and inactivity. Subcutaneous fat can create a belly pooch and create unattractive bulges under clothing. Liposuction is the perfect way to target and eliminate this fat from the body for the long-term.
Another type of fat that we develop is visceral fat. Visceral fat can contribute to a “pot belly” appearance of the abdomen. Visceral fat grows around the organs. Because visceral fat accumulates dangerously close to the liver, patients with an excess of visceral fat can encounter metabolic issues. Unfortunately, abdominal Liposuction will not be able to address this type of fat. Visceral fat is best reduced through lifestyle choices. Maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly to reduce your visceral fat.
Patients who have subcutaneous fat that does not change with diet and exercise may consider Liposuction as an option to accomplish their ideal body appearance.
Liposuction can be performed almost anywhere on the body, including the neck, chest, arms, back, flanks, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, knees, and calves, to address stubborn subcutaneous fat.
What is Tummy-Tuck?
A Tummy Tuck is a body contouring procedure that addresses a loose, sagging abdominal appearance. Patients who have lost a significant amount of weight are left with stretched skin and strained abdominals. A tummy tuck will put the finishing touches on your weight loss by tightening sagging, lax abdominal skin, and restoring their abdominal strength.
Tummy tucks are also the ideal solution for mothers who have completed their child birthing years and would like to restore a tight, flat abdominal appearance. A tummy tuck will repair the abdominals, which are frequently torn by pregnancy and child labor. Tummy tucks are a standard part of a more extensive Mommy Makeover procedure. Thanks to a customized Mommy Makeover, women can bounce back from their baby bodies with a tighter abdomen and lifted more youthful breasts.
A Tummy Tuck is performed with a single incision. The incision is made low in the abdomen, between the pelvic bones. In this position, any resulting scar will be easily concealed in a bathing suit or by underwear.
A tummy tuck surgery will first tighten or repair damaged abdominal wall muscles. With these muscles back in place, the body will have an easier time holding the stomach taut and flat. Excess tissue will next be removed from the abdomen. The abdominal skin will be laid in a flat, attractive contour over the stomach; which makes it necessary to reposition the belly button and excess skin will be removed.
Patients whose excess skin and abdominal strain are isolated to their lower abdomen are good candidates for a mini tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck is performed with a smaller incision in the lower abdomen. The skin and abdominals below the belly button will be tightened. Excess fat and tissue will be removed. The belly button will not need to be moved to perform a mini tummy tuck.
A compression garment is frequently worn after a tummy tuck to reduce swelling and hold the newly positioned abdominal tissues in place.
A tummy tuck is an excellent way for a patient with stomach flab to tighten their abdomens and lose their pooch for toned, long-term improvement.
Can You Combine Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?
Absolutely! Dr. Silvia Rotemberg frequently performs Liposuction during qualifying patients’ abdominoplasty procedures. After the abdominal muscles have been repaired, Dr. Silvia Rotemberg can remove excess fat and tissue from the stomach and flanks with Liposuction. This will guarantee your abdominal contour is as flat and toned as possible. Liposuction is a valuable component of any Tummy Tuck!
Which is better? Liposuction or Tummy Tuck?
Tummy Tuck and Liposuction are two highly useful tools in Dr. Silvia Rotemberg’s body contouring arsenal.
Whether Liposuction or Tummy Tuck is better than the other will depend on the unique needs of the patient’s body. For example, patients who have intact stomach muscles, right skin tone, and stubborn subcutaneous fat on their stomachs are excellent candidates to tone and slim their abdomens with stomach liposuction.
If patients have a bulging abdominal appearance because of weakened muscles and sagging skin, they are good candidates to tighten their middles with a tummy tuck. Whether Liposuction is performed during your tummy-tuck will depend on your presenting fat and tissue.
Both Tummy Tuck and Liposuction are valuable ways to make the finishing aesthetic touches to your body. Which you receive will depend on the needs of your body, your goals for your appearance, and your treatment preferences.
When comparing the two procedures, it can help to keep in mind:
- Is a minimally invasive surgical procedure
- Eliminates fat cells from the body
- Can be performed almost anywhere on the body
- Sculpts the treatment area
- Leaves minimal scarring
- Techniques make recovery times shorter. Patients will be back to work within a few days.
- Can be incorporated as a step in other body contouring procedures.
Tummy Tuck
- Surgical Procedure
- Tightens abdominal muscles
- Tightens loose skin and removes excess skin
- Leaves a single scar low on the abdomen
- Patients will need to take up to two weeks off from work. Full recovery is made after six weeks on average.
- Can also incorporate Liposuction to address stubborn fat deposits.
How Much Weight Can You Lose with Tummy Tuck and Liposuction?
The amount of weight that patients will lose with a tummy tuck or liposuction procedure will depend on what is appropriate for the patient’s physique.
Depending on the patient’s needs, Liposuction can remove only a few pounds, or it can eliminate closer to six to eight pounds. Patients who have larger physiques can lose closer to eleven pounds with Liposuction.
However, it is best to strive for a decrease in body fat percentage rather than focusing on pounds removed. For example, Liposuction can help patients drop anywhere from two to five full dress sizes!
The tummy tuck is designed to create a tight, toned abdominal contour. If patients do not need Liposuction, the only weight loss will be from their excised skin. Patients who receive Liposuction of their abdomen and flanks during a tummy tuck will experience a small amount of weight loss when excess fat and tissue are addressed.
Neither tummy tuck nor Liposuction is intended to be weight loss solutions. They are designed to improve your body’s contour to restore confidence and comfort in your daily life.
We encourage patients to approach their surgery as an improvement in body shape and contouring. The operation should not be led by the change of numbers on a scale.
Your Consultation at Rotemberg Plastic Surgery
During your consultation, she will discuss your goals for your body and perform a physical exam. This way, we can tailor your body contouring treatment precisely to your needs!
If you have a bulging or sagging abdominal appearance, reach out to Dr. Silvia Rotemberg for a private consultation today. She will help you find the right solutions and get you back to a tight, healthy body in no time!